【同义词辨析】 2019-08-27 同意屈尊帮助拯救大众(5小组一起记)
(1) 同意
agree: implies complete accord usually attained by discussion and adjustment of differences: on some points we all can ~. (accord一致,指在关系联系上合适implies perfect fitness in relation or association (as in character, spirit, quality or tone),如the speaker's remarks didn't accord with the sentiments of his listeners发言人的话和听众的感情不一致)
concur: tends to suggest cooperative thinking or acting toward an end but sometimes implies no more than approval(as of a decision reached by others): members of the committee ~red with with his decision.
coincide: used more often of opinions, judgments, wishes, or interests than of people, implies an agreement amounting to identity: their wishes ~ exactly with my desire.
agree同意: 指完全一致,常经过讨论协调分歧,concur同意意见一致: 可表示合作思维,向目标努力,或仅表示同意他人意见决定,coincide意见完全一致: 指近乎相同,一般不用于人,而用于意见判断愿望兴趣等
记忆方法: 1)同意的意思是意见和谐mean to come into or be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion.
(2) 屈尊
stoop: may imply a descent in dignity or from a higher moral plane to a lower one: how can you ~ to such childish name-calling.
condescdend: usually implies an assumed superiority and a patronizing stooping by one of high rank or position to interact with social inferiors: a plant manager ~ing to mingle with the employees. patronize(顾客)光顾、赞助,屈尊俯就
deign: suggests a reluctant condescending of someone haughty, arrogant, or contemptuous: scarecely ~ed to speak with her poor relations. haughty强调自傲于出身地位,arrogant强调要人过度看重自己
stoop堕落俯身: 指尊严或道德下降,condescdend屈尊: 指社会地位高的人交往社会地位低的人,居尊俯就,deign屈尊: 表示高傲的人不情愿的屈尊
记忆方法: 1)屈尊的意思是降低地位尊严做某事mean to descend from one's rank or dignity to do something.
(3) 帮助
help: carries a strong implication of advance toward an objective: ~ed to find a cure for the disease.
aid: suggests the need of help or relief and so imputes weakness to the one aided and strength to the one aiding: an army of volunteers ~ed the flood victims.
assist: suggests a secondary role in the assistant or a subordinate character in the assistance: ~ed the chief surgeon during the operation.
help帮助: 强烈指示向目标推进,aid援助: 表示需要帮助,因此指被援助方虚弱,援助方有力,assist助理协助: 表示助手处于次要角色,工作属于从属性质
记忆方法: 1)帮助的意思是提供达成目标需要的mean to supply what is needed to accomplish an end.
(4) 拯救
cure: implies the restoration to health after disease: searched for new medications to ~ the dread disease.
heal: may also apply to this but commonly suggests a restoring to soundness of an affected part after a wound or sore: his wounds were slow to ~. (sound表示健康时意思较简单,强调没有疾病虚弱功能异常emphasizes absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction,如an examination showed his heart to be sound检查显示他心脏健康)
remedy: suggests the correction or relief of a morbid or evil condition through the use of a substance or measure: vainly searched for something to ~ her arthritis.
cure治愈: 指疾病后恢复健康,heal治愈(伤口): 一般表示伤口或酸痛部位恢复健康,remedy治疗: 表示采取措施药物,纠正缓解病态恶性状况
记忆方法: 1)拯救的意思是纠正不健康状况mean to rectify an unhealthy or undesirable condition. 拯救的意思是援助、使其脱离危难危险 (rectify改正纠正和correct同义,但表示更有效more effective action to make something conform to a rule or standard of what is right, just, or properly controlled or directed,如a major error in judgment that should be rectified at once一个重大误判,应该立即纠正)
(5) 大众
bulk: implies an aggregate that is impressively large, heavy, or numerous: the darkened ~s of skyscrapers towered over him. (aggregate总数 合计整体,指将所有个体考虑在内合计implies a counting or considering together of all the distinct individuals or particulars of a group or a collection,如errors that are individually insignificant but in their aggregate destroy confidence每个错误都不严重,但合计起来让人失去信心)
mass: suggests an aggregate made by piling together things of the same kind: the cave held a ~ of pottery.
volume: applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or fluctuating: a tremendous ~ of water.
bulk大块: 指大块沉重密集的整体,mass大量、群众: 表示由同类东西堆积的整体,volume液体气体体积: 用于没有形状轮廓,能够流动波动的整体
记忆方法: 1)大众的意思是整体mean the aggregate that forms a body or unit.